Supporting Graduate Students' Academic and Professional Success
Established in 2010, the Graduate Student Mentorship Program (GMSP) facilitates and transforms the graduate student experience at UCR. GSMP supports 100 incoming graduate student mentees, half from the humanities, arts, social sciences, and education, and the other half in STEM fields. Incoming mentees are assigned to both peer and faculty mentors in their own or a related discipline. Over the course of their first academic year, mentees gain access to support, advice, resources, and community as GSMP participants.
The GSMP has four main goals:
- To lower graduate student attrition, especially among the most vulnerable populations, by connecting first-year students to campus resources;
- Help first-year graduate students transition from undergraduate programs or careers into graduate study;
- Professionalize mentors and help them develop effective mentoring and networking practices; and
- Create a network of mentors and build a sense of graduate student community.
All incoming PhD and MFA students are contacted in May and invited to participate.